PMI Meets Female Representation Goal: 40% of Women in Management Positions

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Philip Morris International (PMI) met its global gender balance goal of 40% female managers by 2022. PMI wants 35% women in senior roles by 2025. Philip Morris International (PMI) is a global EQUAL-SALARY organization. 35% of women in senior roles by 2025 reflects the company's desire to improve gender representation.

Jacek Olczak, Chief Executive Officer at PMI, commented:

“I am immensely proud of PMI’s vision, commitment, and achievement in ensuring equal opportunities are given to all in the workplace, irrespective of gender. Meeting this target demonstrates that our inclusion and diversity strategy is working. Diverse profiles, backgrounds, and perspectives allow us to make better and more considered decisions as well as contribute to better and more sustainable performance. I firmly believe that a culture of fairness, inclusion, and diversity are crucial to PMI’s progress in achieving a smoke-free future and will continue to benefit the company as we become more reflective of our consumer base.”

Silke Muenster, Chief Diversity Officer at PMI, noted:

“What gets measured really does get done. This was a whole company effort requiring everyone to take responsibility. I am delighted that we have met our target on time but recognize that we still have a long way to go on our diversity, equity, and inclusion journey. With this in mind, we have our next gender representation target: 35% of women in senior roles by 2025."

"Having a truly diverse workforce is critical to our goal of achieving a smoke-free future." I am very proud of the progress we have made thus far, and I am optimistic about our future prospects."

The company's desire to continuously improve gender representation is reflected in the new target of 35% of women in senior roles by 2025.

The company also announced today that it has been recertified as a global EQUAL-SALARY organization by the independent EQUAL-SALARY Foundation for the second time since 2019. The recertification confirms that PMI continues to pay female and male employees equally for equal work in all of its more than 90 markets.

The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is a Swiss-based independent, non-profit organization. The EQUAL-SALARY certification verifies that organizations have long-term policies and practices in place to ensure that male and female employees are paid equally for equal work.

"In today's global economy, best practices are setting the bar for excellence," said Lisa Rubli, co-CEO of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation, in response to PMI's global recertification. A major international company being re-certified by EQUAL-SALARY is a watershed moment not only for its more than 89'000 employees, but also for the global cause of gender equality. Philip Morris International's energy and commitment to equal pay and EQUAL-SALARY principles is a strong demonstration of the company's willingness to stick to continuous improvement and a message that their certification is absolutely on point. We are extremely proud of this outstanding achievement!"

More of PMI’s achievements and initiatives to more fully reach gender equality include these:

Addressing gender bias in talent assessments—including in recruitment, performance management, and opportunities for promotion.

Introduction of global inclusive parental leave guidelines (2020).

Launching an employee resource group for women to provide a supportive place to inspire and empower women to advance their skills, expand their network and unlock their full potential.

Launching a women-in-leadership program to support females in leadership positions.

Source: PMI news


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