Hitachi Receives the Highest Score from CDP for Climate Change and Water Security

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by KnowESG,

Hitachi Ltd

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Hitachi Achieves CDP’s Highest Score of “Grade A” in Climate Change and Water Security, Hitachi‘s first award of the highest possible score across two categories

In the areas of climate change and water security, CDP, a worldwide environmental non-profit organisation, has given Hitachi, Ltd. the highest rating of "Grade A." Hitachi's innovative efforts and information sharing for combating climate change and ensuring water security were assessed by CDP. This year marks Hitachi's third consecutive inclusion in the "A List" for water security and the first time the company has been listed simultaneously in two different categories.

Hitachi has set its long-term environmental targets, issuing its plan "Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050," to help realize a sustainable society. In the area of climate change, the Hitachi Group as a whole has set a target of becoming carbon neutral in its business sites (factories and offices) by fiscal 2030, and of achieving carbon neutrality through its entire value chain by fiscal 2050. To achieve this target, the company has introduced its Internal Carbon Pricing system, starting with investments for fiscal 2019, and executive pay linked to environmental performance from April 2021. In addition, the company plans to invest 1.5 trillion yen in R&D over the next three years, focusing on decarbonization technologies, including energy-saving technologies, to help its customers reduce their CO2 emissions and environmental impact.

In terms of the use of water resources, Hitachi has set a target of improving the efficiency of internal water usage by 50% by fiscal 2050, compared to fiscal 2010. It aims to use the water resources necessary for business continuity appropriately and efficiently and has been working to identify and address risks related to water issues throughout the Hitachi Group. Externally, Hitachi provides water environment solutions using digital technology, and improves water infrastructure to solve global water issues.

CDP is a global non-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. The organization analyzes and evaluates the environmental initiatives and information disclosure of the world's major companies in the three themes of climate change; water security; and forests - and selects the best companies as "A list" companies each year.

Hitachi is becoming a climate change innovator and will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society where people live happy and prosperous lives, through solving various ESG issues for society and customers through its Social Innovation Business, which uses data and technology to innovate social infrastructure.

Source: Hitachi news


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