Capgemini's Supply Chain Solution for Sustainability & Efficiency
Capgemini SE
Being a global leader in a competitive industry like technology is a significant accomplishment. But an excellent track record isn't a guarantee of future success, especially in a digital economy that wants businesses to be more sustainable.
A US-based IT and networking company needed to update its supply chain to cut down on waste and make it work better.
As one of the world's largest technology companies, it had a business plan that worked, but its supply chain had a lot of redundancies that caused waste and made customers wait longer than they should have for shipments.
Capgemini redesigned the company's supply chain and aided its circular economy programme, which focused on product refurbishment.
Capgemini's solution comprised a Unique Device Identifier to capture the source origin of items, digitised tracing and tracking of components and materials, a new sales application for logistics partners, and a dynamic disposition engine to channel returned products.
Capgemini cut the company's carbon footprint by a lot, made processes more efficient, brought in more money, and gave customers a better experience by improving product maintenance and refurbishment services. Capgemini now has a strong relationship with the brand, and both want to help it reach its sustainability goals.
Source: Capgemini