Fundamentals of ESG and Sustainable Practices by Ecoskills (Certified Course)

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Start Date : 30 March 2025
Fundamentals of ESG and Sustainable Practices by Ecoskills (Certified Course)

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Fundamentals of ESG and Sustainable Practices (Certified Course)

This a self-paced course that can be started any time.

Welcome to our certified course on “Fundamentals of ESG and Sustainable Practices”.

Leadership I ESG Awareness I Stakeholder Engagement I Materiality Assessment I ESG Standards

This comprehensive course is designed to help you understand the world of sustainability and ESG not only as it is today but in the future too. It guides you through the most important practices, such as stakeholder engagement, materiality assessment, and all the latest global standards and frameworks. You’ll get insight into all the latest ESG-related legislation and regulations from the EU, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Asia, and Australia. This is a perfect course for all professionals, entrepreneurs, and graduates who wish to learn all the latest developments in the field of sustainability and ESG, as well as practical tools on how to conduct important processes such as stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment.

Skills you will gain

  • Increase your sustainability and ESG awareness.

  • Learn about current and future sustainability/ESG related legislation and regulations.

  • Improve your stakeholder engagement strategy.

  • Apply best practices to your materiality assessment.

Key insights

In this course, we will explore the business case of sustainability and ESG, including the definitions and principles of ESG, Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility, as well as all the most recent ESG trends. 

We will provide you with all the latest ESG-related legislative and regulatory developments from the most important regions of the world. Our expert instructors will provide you with practical tools and processes for conducting two of the most important processes for your ESG Strategy: stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment.

Through a mix of engaging videoscase studies, and resources, we will also provide you with an overview of the most important sustainability and ESG-related frameworks and standards, such as the GRI, SASB, TCFD, SDGs, and UNGC.

Join us in creating more sustainable businesses and a more sustainable future. Enroll in our Certified Course on “Sustainability & ΕSG in Practice” today.

For whom

This course is designed for anyone interested in understanding the key principles of ESG, the critically important processes of stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment, as well as ESG related regulations, legislation, standards, and frameworks. It is particularly relevant for: Sustainability – ESG Directors/Managers, CFOs, Corporate Affairs – Marketing – Communications Directors/Managers, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Directors/Managers, HR Directors/Managers, Environment, Health, and Safety Directors/Managers, Investor Relations Directors/Managers, Procurement – Supply Chain Directors/Managers, COO’s, Members of NGOs, SMEs Owners/Directors, University Graduates.

In EcoSkills, we acknowledge the essence of corporate sustainability, which goes beyond the traditional business line.If your company aspires to generate economic growth, protect its resources and ensure socially responsible operations, now’s the time to shape your company’s culture!

Contact us if you want more than two course licences or a custom-made course targeted to your team.

Get in touch

Learn more about ESG and Sustainability 

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