Orla Mining Publishes First Sustainability Report

Orla Mining Ltd., known as Orla, announced its inaugural Sustainability Report, showcasing the company's strategic approach and commendable achievements in the realm of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) endeavours.
Orla currently operates the Camino Rojo mine in Mexico and is actively advancing projects in both Nevada and Panama.
The 2022 Sustainability Report signifies a significant step in enhancing Orla's transparency regarding ESG aspects and introduces a forward-looking roadmap termed the "Towards 2030 Sustainability Strategy."
This visionary strategy is deeply rooted in Orla's overarching goal of leveraging mineral resources to create a net-positive impact for all stakeholders.
These stakeholders encompass employees, shareholders, suppliers, host nations, local communities, and more. The strategy lays out explicit priorities, pivotal performance metrics, actionable plans, and well-defined timelines aimed at propelling advancements in vital areas such as health and safety, climate change mitigation, water conservation, biodiversity preservation, community welfare, workforce diversity, and inclusive practices.
Jason Simpson, President and CEO of Orla, expressed his enthusiasm for the inaugural sustainability report, highlighting its significance as a pivotal milestone for the company.
He emphasised that the report transcends mere financial metrics, encompassing Orla's multifaceted responses to pertinent ESG challenges across its operational spectrum. With a steadfast commitment to responsible mining as an emerging player in the gold sector, Orla is taking this opportune moment to amplify its communication efforts and underscore its commitments.
For Orla's comprehensive 2022 Sustainability Report, kindly refer to: https://orlamining.com/about-us/environmental-social-and-governance-esg/
Key Highlights of the 2022 Sustainability Performance:
25% of Orla's corporate objectives were tied to ESG goals, all of which were successfully attained.
ESG performance evaluations were conducted for 100% of Orla's executives and managerial-level employees.
Remarkable safety records were achieved, with a lost time injury frequency rate of 1.49 across various sites.
Notable community contributions amounting to US$5.8 million were made at the Camino Rojo site, encompassing salaries, local procurement, land leases, and investments in local infrastructure.
Achieved an exceptional emissions level of 0.19 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per ounce of gold equivalent produced at the Camino Rojo site, solidifying its global leadership in this metric.
Attained a water intensity of 0.15 m3/t of processed ore with a zero-water discharge approach (100% water recycling and reuse) at the Camino Rojo mine in Mexico.
The formulation of the "Towards 2030 Sustainability Strategy" with established ESG targets aimed at nurturing a more sustainable, adaptable, and inclusive business model. The overarching aim is to accelerate value generation and deliver net-positive benefits to stakeholders.
Chafika Eddine, Chief Sustainability Officer at Orla, underlined the significance of transparent reporting in the company's core principles, serving as a bedrock for the "Towards 2030 Sustainability Strategy." The intention behind these reports and disclosures is to maintain stakeholders' informed stance on progress, uphold accountability toward stated commitments, and gather insights to refine future initiatives.
Orla's Sustainability Report is meticulously shaped by pivotal topics identified through the latest materiality assessments conducted by the company. The disclosures in the report align seamlessly with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard and the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. Furthermore, Orla stands as a proud supporter and contributor to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Source: Orla Mining